

Inspired by one of the most popular and requested types of hat brims at Balel, the Niemeyer Airy model has become one of our most iconic jewel hats. Difficult to make from a technical standpoint, it has two bodies that fit together in perfect harmony, both complete pieces, without any crown-brim divide. The outermost piece forms wide, soft and delicate curves over the second, evoking the most prominent creations of the great architect Oscar Niemeyer. Viewed from the front, just the outer body can be seen. Only when turning the head sideways can one appreciate how it rises to reveal the richness of its design.

This stunning hat is made with beige and black parasisal and is adorned with black tulle and semi-matte rhinestones. It opens at the back for the black tulle bustle, a very unique feature in headwear. All the seams are concealed to achieve a finish that remains true to its perfect nature.

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Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 35 × 20 × 56 cm


The Niemeyer Airy model is worn like a normal hat, fully horizontal.

To emphasize the width of the brim, we recommend not styling your hair with too much side volume. Therefore, the best options are low buns or half-up styles. If you want to wear your hair loose, minimize its volume for an ideal look.

To avoid the hat drawing more attention than the person wearing it, it is essential that the brim width not be greater than shoulder width (including the shoulder pads of your coat or dress, if any). In this case, the brim has a width of 34 cm. It will suit anyone with a shoulder width of 34 cm or more.

All of our hats are made with the highest quality materials to make them last for many years. To keep your hat in perfect condition, we recommend storing it in its box after each use. It is advisable to bring it in to Balel anytime your hat requires cleaning, ironing, having the inside ribbon changed, or any other pampering or treatment.